Well, not quite sure where the last three weeks have gone, I've had no time to up date my blog, read blogs, and make stuff!But I'm back, after working ridiculously long hours from 8am to 7pm even 9pm in the week, popping away with my mum one weekend, having friends over another weekend, I couldn't wait to get going again this weekend, in between the washing and now is time to catch up other blogs. Hope you all had a great long weekend, it's a shame to go back to work but at least the hours will be back to normal and I can home and create. So this blog is going to be long.....
My first make this weekend was the mini tote above, the lunch bag as I like to call it. Made with Amy Butler Full moon and Kathy Hall Frippery, I am going to have to buy this frippery in all the colours I can get my hands on.
This is for sale in www.blondedesign.folksy.com

Next I perfected Freddie the frog, stuffed with polyfil, so he can be used as a pincushion, I now have too many pincushions on the go around the house, and as I come up with new ones I just have to add to them, in colours to match the room, so I am going to have to make a pink and green Freddie for the sewing room!
Freddie is for sale in www.blondedesign.folksy.com

I have got into making tissue holders, they are a little bit addictive.....
the ones shown are in Summersville, Avenue print, who sells on Folksy and Etsy, My stash of Amy Butler fabrics is now running low, so need stock up, as I have found making these cute tissue holders are great to mix and match the pints. (I can see a giant stack of these filling up table soon...) I'll post further pictures of the others in zingy prints later in the week, all for sale in www.blondedesign.folksy.com
Lastly I had been waiting on some fab Japanese fabrics to arrive to make buttons, which arrived on Thursday

little Red riding Hood Buttons & Robot buttons, for sale in www.blondesbackyard.folksy.com I just love these linen fabric buttons
I have other buttons and bits to show you, but as it has taken me an hour to up load this lot, I will show you some more in the week, oh I have also been featured in http://www.woollylakes.blogspotwith retro Ollie the Owl...
Now off to catch up on some blog reading. Kx