I have been contacted and asked to sell my Ollie Tea cosies & Olive coffee cosies on a website called Hunkydoryhome, they have a few sellers from Folksy, so I am very happy to soon see them being sold on there, they have some fab bits and pieces and they make their own retro lampshades which I love, so may have to purchase one for our spare room, will let you know as soon as I go on line, which I think is for September so could get a few more Christmas sales!

Not normally one to talk about my family, but my father passed away on Friday from Cancer and we have found this lovely woodland burial park a couple of miles from my Mother in Epping Forest, it is a wonderful place where everything has to be biodegradable and only a small wooden plaque or carving is allowed and the forest is maintained and not disturbed. We have chosen a coppiced Chestnut tree to put his ashes under (we though it fitted as he was a ginger nut!) which has 4 trunks like a big hand, which you can sit in, and listen to the sounds of the forest.

http://www.notonthehighstreet.com/My Baby
Blonde design stuff has been accepted to sell on
Notonthehighstreet, which I know could generate a lot of sales so again am chuffed, my only problem is the cost! I know of only one folksy /
etsy seller selling on there (
halfanacre) so may have to wrack her brains as to sales and did they
increase a lot as to
warrant the cost, if anybody else sells on the site, I would be
grateful for your
knowledge and for you to say yes, do it!!