Thursday 4 August 2011


Hot Pink Pom Pom
Largest I could find on Etsy
Patty Young Flora & Forna in mustard
Hot Pink Pom Pom
Largest I could find on Etsy
Patty Young Flora & Forna in mustard
All the Full Moon from Amy Butler

Maybe somebody will be able to help but getting my eyes opened to fab fabrics means I have come accoross the odd piece on Etsy for the Flora & Forna collection. I love it including the hummingbird fabrics but it looks like all the pieces left on Etsy are starting to be put in the sale.
Can anybody confirm if this is discontinued as this was only brought out in sept 2009!
or is it not a popular one.

I am going to make cushions with the fabric and edge them in the blue and pink pom pom trim. Kind of Kitsch!

I am running low on my Full moon fabrics as they are so useful to pop in with other fabrics use in pincushions buttons, brick set cushions, underside of hotpot mats........

My next mission is to stock up on Ta Dots and Dumb Dots.
I am dotty Mad but my owl tea cozies love them!

OK so don't forget giveaway on previous post

I wish there was more hours in a day
6.30 alarm (5.30 if catching train)
7.20 driving
8.00 finish work
5.30 finish work
6.15 home
7.30 try and sew, relax watch a bit of TV wash up, wash hair, tidy up, take photos, upload photos, put orders together, find lost siscors (even though I have 8 pairs), just can never find the small tiny ones for the dam threads...
11pm sleep


1 comment:

I love to read all you comments, ideas and things that may even help out!