I have been trying to seperate my baby booties and baby bib aprons from the rest of the bits I make, but seems to have taken around 3 days! just to set up another shop on Etsy www.babyblondedesign.etsy.com and another shop on Folksy http://www.folksy.com/shops/BABYBLONDEDESIGN, I am hoping it will stop things getting lost within the shop!
So another pair of booties using hollingdale designs buttons, I have made a pair of booties using incy wincy buttons, but need to photogragh them and upload them.
If we really worked out how much time each item we make takes to make from buying the fabric to uploading, my booties could be well in excess of £50.00!!
Soooo cute! I think Gill has discovered a new career in her buttons too!