Sunday 14 November 2010



Finally got around to finishing some mini 10" linen Christmas Elf Stockings, for sale in my blondedesign shop, EVEN though I have a list now reaching approx 20 orders. But I needed to take time out, just to do my bits, otherwise I will be sewing Elf stockings in January.... Which doesn't seem like a bad idea. So note to self, do not attempt to 'make' come up with 'ideas' from MID October to I guess MID December.

Make Stockings in the summer slump or no joke January
and make THREE of everything or at least two
BE prepared for custom orders.

Happy Sunday, I'm off to cut felt strips for my pincushion rings to sew on the train at 6.30am, I have a 300 ring blanks to make (not all at once!) - and as I sold 5 today alone, I need to replenish the non existent back up stock!

And a BIG sorry I am reading blogs but no time to leave messages, maybe by mid December, normallity will reture to my house and I can get a haircut, go for a coffee, and and see the seafront once more.

Karen X


  1. I love your stockings. Would you consider selling the pattern so that some of us can make them too (not to sell online though, obviously).xx

  2. The pattern is here £2.00
    I'll just pop you an email. Kxxx

  3. good luck with all the xmas sewing!!


I love to read all you comments, ideas and things that may even help out!