Friday 27 March 2009


I have finally used 4 of the zebra buttons I brought from Hollingdale designs, my photos are not to good today! but I need to make a couple of baby booties in white, with black soles and a red heart on sole!

I have just brought these beauties from Jill (I have a feeling I am going to be one of her favorite customers), I will wait till they arrive before chosing the felt to match, but I feel a 3 stripe (vintage addidas) look going on.

What do you think of the baby bib apron? now all I need is a baby to photograph with my clothing! Mmmmmm my Hubby thinks I am going slightly mad, he knows I am sooooooo clucky, so cross the little fingers in hope.
I have started to separate my baby items from to as I feel there is so much going on and I make to many things. Most people have very pretty web pages and I am now beginning to believe in the old saying 'keep it simple stupid'

1 comment:

  1. Those booties are so gorgeous! I know what you mean about Gils buttons, I've had to stop looking as I can't help myself. I'm becoming an auntie soon so might just be visiting your shop :)


I love to read all you comments, ideas and things that may even help out!