Sunday 29 January 2012

Belated Saturday Stash on a budget

Just Wing it - MoMo for Moda

Its a Hoot - MoMo for Moda

Ruby - Bonnie and Camile

Sill being the beginning of the year, funds for fabric buying are sill squeezed
and having half finished quilt tops lying around, that I really want to finish.
(for those in the US - our fabric costs end up being double what you pay, if we purchase from the UK or on-line from the US due to postage, tax and anything else the government want to take)

So came up with a rare brain wave, I love all the fabrics above, but having never purchased one of them before, I will be able to check them all out and then put them on a to purchase in order list!

They will be charm packs, and first I will be taking out all the pink squares and I will be able to complete my pinwheel quilt top, which uses a different pink fabric for each pinwheel.

The reds for a dolly quilt set

I can add any grey fabrics to the pile of fabrics, which will become MY quilt.

I have also have a couple of turquoise and lime projects awaiting to start (when I finish the  4 cushions, 3 tea cosies & 3 other quilts on the go.

Which I think only leaves a few chocolate colours which can just go on the very small brown pile of fabrics I have but can be built up!

Off to the beech to photograph a quilt I finished last night at midnight - then promptly stuck it in the wash to I could crinkle it and dry it
(otherwise I will not see daylight for another week at home - roll on Longer days)


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