Friday 11 April 2014

Tula Pink - Fox Field Collection - Shade

Tula Pink - Fox Field Collection - Shade

I am selling them at £3.25 per Fat Quart
A FQ bundle x 6 at £18.00 (a saving!)
A Fat 8th Bundle x 6 £9.00 (a saving!)

Just email or paypal me...

I have picked out co-ordinating solid colours to make a large round cushion with!
Which is your favourite....

Pony Play - shade

Botanica - shade

Geo - Shade

Pointed Lace - Shade

Bunny Hop - Shade

Foxtrot - Shade

Tula Pink - Moxie Quilt
FREE download from her website

I am going to use the middle cirle only and use the shade colour range and my 6 co-ordinating colours and produdce a round floor cushion!



I love to read all you comments, ideas and things that may even help out!